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Youth Ministry
We believe that our children and youth are a part of our church family. So, they are invited, welcomed, and included in all church ministries. But we do have age specific ministries for them as well.

Sunday School
Our Christian Education board works with our Youth Ministry Coordinator to create a Sunday School program that is held on Sunday from 10:40-11:30 for any PreK-6th grade students. The students spend time singing, learning, and playing. All of which allows for a complete understanding of God and His love.
Youth Events
Our Youth and Family Ministry Board works with our Youth Ministry Coordinator to plan monthly activities for all of our youth and their families. The activities range from service learning to Bible Studies to fun fellowship events. Some events are just for PreK-5th grade and others for 6th-12th grade.

Our Confirmation Ministry begins in 3rd grade with receiving of Bibles and continues until 10th grade. Weekly classes are offered in 7th, 8th & 9th grade. To learn more about this ministry, speak to Pastor Lori Pankratz
VBS (Vacation Bible School):
Each summer we offer a Bible Camp experience for children entering 1st-6th grade. The day camp happens at Ruger Park and is a combined ministry with Our Savior’s Lutheran Churches. The camp is about 4 days, 9:00-3:00, with the help of one of our ELCA Bible Camps.
Bible Camps:
We also encourage our younger members and youth to attend one of our 3 local ELCA Bible Camps. We provide scholarship assistance for those who attend.

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