Servant Leaders
Executive Committee 2023
President: Michael Kitsch
Vice President: Kristi Trottier
Secretary: Colette Boehmer
Treasurer: Mike Boehmer
The purpose of this Board is to provide for the general maintenance and upkeep of all physical property of the congregation. A committee, selected by the Board of Church Properties, shall have special concern for the maintenance and upkeep of the St. Olaf Retreat Center.
Church Properties
Evonne Geigle, Team Leader
The purpose of this Board is to provide for the general maintenance and upkeep of all physical property of the congregation. A committee, selected by the Board of Church Properties, shall have special concern for the maintenance and upkeep of the St. Olaf Retreat Center.
life in ministry & mission
Louise Oleson, Team Leader
The purpose of this Board is to plan and program of outreach, lay and mutual ministry, visitation and mission within the congregation and greater faith community, including the unchurched, homebound and persons with special needs or disabilities, as well as prospective new members.
The basic objectives of this Board are the strengthening of the fellowship between members of our congregation both spiritually and socially, including the general upbuilding of mutual cooperation, trust, and enjoyment among the members of our congregation.
Jeri Steffan, Team Leader
The basic objectives of this Board are to initiate programs for the development of good stewardship attitudes in the members of the congregation in regard to time, talents, and treasures, to provide for the training and utilization of members of the congregation for the work of Christ’s Kingdom, and to ensure the financial stability of the congregation and its work through a developed program of dedicated, proportional, and firstfruits giving.
Karen Clementich, Co-Team Leader
Crystal Eversvik, Co-Team Leader
The basic objectives of this Board are to involve the young people of the congregation in the total life of this congregation and, by so doing, to provide for their spiritual growth and nurture.
Worship & Music
Daria Miller, Team Leader
Worship & Music:
The basic objectives of this Board are to work with the Pastoral Staff to help plan and facilitate worship and music for the congregation which shall give glory to God and edification to the people of God.