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At Baptism, we all make promises to tell the one being baptized about the promise that God is making to them in the Good News of God’s reconciling love in Jesus Christ.
Parents make a promise:
to live with them among God’s faithful people
to bring them to the Word of God & the Holy Supper
to teach them the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed, and the 10 Commandments
to place in their hands the Holy Scriptures
to nurture them in faith and prayer

In baptism God plants a seed of faith and through Family Ministry we help to grow that seed of faith, help your family grow in relationship together, and grow together as a family of believers called St. Olaf Lutheran Church. Family Ministry at St. Olaf is not only about the programs we offer, but more broadly about the ways our entire congregational life shapes and strengthens family relationships. We provide opportunities for cross-generational worship, service, study, and fellowship here at St. Olaf as well as resources and tools for cross-generational worship, service, study, and fellowship in your home and our community.
As a congregation we make a promise to help parents do what they have promised. We also welcome the newly baptized into our family of believers to grow with us as God’s work is done through our hands.

There are 4 keys to sharing the faith at home and at church.
Caring Conversation - Expresses an interest in others, their hurts, their joys, their concerns & dreams, their values, & their faith.
Devotions - Connects the generations in faith, hope, & love
Rituals & Traditions - The way people greet one another each day, a table grace, bedtime prayers, a birthday, or baptismal anniversary celebration are all examples of family rituals and traditions that can effectively communicate the Good News of Jesus Christ
Service - Family Service Learning can be a vital way to pass on faith from generation to generation
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