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Grace happens here through God's gift of love!
Worship and Prayer are central to the St. Olaf family. There are many opportunities to worship and learn together in traditional as well as innovative ways.
St. Olaf is a place where all people are welcomed by the unconditional love of Christ. We are welcomed, forgiven, and fed through meaningful worship, opportunities for learning, and by service to others. You don't need to have your life in perfect order. You don't need to have your life in perfect order. You won't be required to leave your doubts, questions, or struggles outside the church doors. God meets and welcomes you as you are. Come experience God's welcoming grace at St. Olaf.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild meets the third Sunday of each month at 10:30 a.m. in the Quilting Room located in the basement. They do not meet in June or July. Plans are made for the upcoming month’s activities. Altar Guild is comprised of four rotating working groups, with each group serving three times during the year.
The responsibilities are to prepare for and assist in serving Holy Communion, including all services at St. Olaf and the Retreat Center. We serve at special times during the Church year such as Easter, Christmas, Confirmation, Thursday Fellowship and weddings, if desired.
Altar Guild cares for and changes paraments according to the church year colors and cares for the flowers in the Altar area. Supplies are purchased as needed.
New members are always welcome. Just come to a monthly meeting that is held in the basement Quilting Room at 10:30 on the third Sunday of the month or call chairperson Sherry Boehmer.
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